5 Ways to Increase Employee Productivity

December 15, 2022

As 2022 winds down to a close and the world looks ahead to 2023 with great hope and anticipation, The Best Workplace suggests making an “employee development” game plan leading into the New Year. January is the ideal time to lean into all those good New Year’s Resolutions vibes when your team members are likely laser focused on their own individual self-improvement journeys. 

There’s a very good reason Talent Management is one of our most popular service areas. More and more businesses are learning that it’s a key component to success. Not only will an emphasis on employee development lead to a healthier company culture and improved employee retention, but it will also help you attract NEW talent. Additional benefits include improved employee engagement and investment in the company as a whole, as well as an opportunity to unveil hidden talents and encourage your team to grow in exciting new directions. A natural outcome from an engaged and invested team that believes its company is devoted to their personal and professional growth is a seismic shift to their overall productivity. 

Since improved productivity has direct ties to your company’s bottom line, you may already be sold on the “why” behind making employee development a pillar of your company’s success in 2023. However, you might be unsure how to make it happen. To help you kickstart your own employee development program, The Best Workplace offers up the following five tips to increasing employee productivity right out of the gate on January 1…

Recognize Excellence (or at the very least… Effort)

As your employee development plan goes into play, it’s important to mark milestones with a blend of recognitions and rewards. Words of affirmation go a very long way in boosting a team member’s confidence and loyalty, but monetary motivators shouldn’t be overlooked. Set aside room in your budget for things like pay increases, bonuses, stock options and promotions to reward shows of innovation, imagination, hard work and commitment. Also be sure to encourage those who are putting forth an obvious effort – even if they’re not yet achieving the ultimate results you desire.

Clearly Outline Goals – As Well As the Meaning Behind Them

To really gain investment from your team members in goal setting for the New Year, tie them to your company’s mission statement and brand purpose. Give them a certain sense of purpose by making them feel like they are an integral “cog in the wheel” to the achievement of not only those goals, but in making company history. It’s like pointing to a destination and getting everyone excited to pile in the bus for an exciting road trip – someone has to pull together the play list, someone has to bring the snacks, someone has to plot the best course – but everyone works together to get there.

Keep Politics Out of the Equation

We’re not talking about D.C. politics, but organizational politics that can sink any well-intended organization faster than an iceberg. While it may be next to impossible to eliminate them altogether, letting your team know that there’s no room for political antics in your company culture will go a long way towards keeping them at a minimum. The best place to start is at the top. Lead by example and only reward team members based on merit and performance, not on their connections. While we all have our favorites, endeavor never to show favoritism. Doing so can be detrimental to your organization, culture and employee base. When team members see that achievement gains them recognition and rewards, instead of nepotism and ties to people in high places, they are more likely to show improvement where productivity is concerned. 

Strive to Provide a Safe Space

We’ve all heard the phrase “There are no dumb questions.” Endeavor to create an environment where there are also “no dumb answers.” Your team members should feel empowered to come to their managers with ideas without fear that they may be ridiculed, judged or have their idea stolen and attributed elsewhere. This shouldn’t be the case when you encourage a culture of open collaboration where everyone WANTS to contribute their suggestions, as well as their service to your organization.

Partner with The Best Workplace in 2023

Even as leaders, it’s not uncommon to have our noses pressed so close to the glass that it can be difficult to take everything in. It’s never a bad idea to bring in a third party to offer you a fresh perspective of your organization and where there might be certain gaps in your employee development and productivity. At The Best Workplace, that’s our wheelhouse! We’ll not only take measure of your existing culture and help you come up with that Talent Management game plan, but we’ll also offer our support as you roll it out. Getting started is as easy as sending an email or making a phone call. Contact us today at 678-667-1275 or hello@TheBestWorkplace.com to schedule an initial consultation. To learn more about The Best Workplace, our leadership team and our full suite of services, visit www.TheBestWorkplace.com. We look forward to the opportunity to help you take your organization from better to BEST in 2023!

From all of us here at The Best Workplace, we wish you much happiness and great success in the New Year!

Jonathan Burman

Jonathan Burman

Jonathan Burman, Managing Partner – Executive Coaching & Learning Strategy

People say Jonathan is open, focused and fun.

For his entire career Jonathan Burman has been focused on creating purpose, productivity and growth through leadership alignment and accountability. With more than 30 years of experience in Organizational Development, Leadership, Human Resources, and Talent Management, he has worked with such firms as DuPont, Dropbox, Goldman Sacks, Merck Pharmaceuticals, Centers For Disease Control and Prevention (CDC), CIGNA, MASCO Corporation, Johnson & Johnson, and Koch Industries. He is a firm believer that talent development is key to creating efficient and effective businesses.